Catastrophe Isn’t Contagious

Please try & walk in someone’s shoes before you respond…

I remember you sitting with me in a restaurant in Easton, keeping me in good company & expertly reviewing my bankruptcy forms. I remember going with you to Baltimore for a serious follow up on your kidneys, providing good company & moral support. These are precious memories that made me believe I would never be abandoned by such a good friend.

I do not place responsibility on you alone for the child in me who knows she was often admired, but never truly loved. That belongs to everyone whose path I ever crossed. I cannot hold any one person accountable for the betrayals, the wounds, the losses, the theft, the bizarre legal upsets that had no basis in fact or law, the refusal from people I thought were close to even give me shelter for a few months. It belongs to many.

Still, I do not wish to live as a victim, albeit my recounting of being victimized. It’s why I fought to publish my book of mini-quotes, in an effort to remain sane & forward-moving.

Yet, in 10 years’ time, I can’t help but be inundated with the awfulness of what has happened & continues to happen. Bad luck? Star-crossed destiny? Poor choices? Man’s inability to be humane to other creatures? Societal decline of everything that we should value, but haven’t?

I suspect it’s a mixed bag of all of it. So all I can do, is take my “sticky steps”. And write, record…

